Firstly, Introductions are needed. If you happened across my website...welcome! My name (pen name) is AJ (Amanda Johnson). She is my romance novel loving alter ego. My about page has all my details, but here is the gist. I have tried a few different ways to create a brand and safe space for me to share my enthusiastic love of romance novels from wholesome to straight erotica and everything in between.
I tried recording book talks with a friend and that created my alter ego AJ. That only lasted a quick minute. Then I simply created a page connected to FB and other social media, but I found that I couldn't share to the level at which I wanted to from site to site. Life got hectic, but being able to share my books and help authors is a dream of mine and thus came Bookshelf & Beyond (B.A.B).
Here I can take all the pieces floating in my brain and build it out here. I can share author info, book sales, reviews, thoughts, and life as it happens in this space. My brain constantly feels much like a jigsaw puzzle or a really messed up rubic's cube that I might never solve. So I thought I would create a repository of all things AJ + Books + Thoughts + Life right here
At this time here what I hope to build into this site:
If it is only my social media it is a blog post
Book reviews
ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) reviews
Digital library of every book that I own
Build the side hustle of my dreams of digging in and learning the realm of romance novels and publishing
A resource + reference list for other folks that might also have the same dream of working with romance novel authors and sharing their love of reading.
You will occasionally via a blog post get life up and downs as they occur.
Until my next novel adventure...